Simply Me

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Location: Singapore

i love everything that involves japan.. I am a gemini. I am an ex-GB girl. I am a singaporean, not hong konger. I want to get good grades for my attachment. I want to buy many clothes.

Friday, January 30, 2009

sorry for the wait.. the ans for the quiz is here..haha
i realised i read wrongly for my choice.. and my choice from good to bad?

Choose 不至于生气,但坚持店家重做:

Choose 看起来不错,所以就吃了:

Friday, January 23, 2009

hmm... finally SP is over.. woots.. went to watch inkheart with clinque.. then went for lunch..
movie is ok.. not bad.. hope the second book will film into movie soon..
whole day stomach pain.. metal wool.. LOL.. eat po chai pills le oso no use.. in the end went toilet 3 times(to me is a lot).. hmm.. tomoro going out to discuss BM.. hope can finish by tomoro.. since i have time, i put up the quiz now.. below the quiz is most suitable for SR.. must do ho, SR..


Thursday, January 22, 2009

i am nervous...... SP presentation is tomoro.. -.-!
this week busy.. no time to post quiz.. next week ba.. haha..
and here videos for all of u.. go watch it ba.. although is quite old.. ahhahahaha!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

went to watch Ip Man today with sc and jt.. was very nice.. and some scenes were very funny and "painful".. i still got a list of movies i wanna watch.. wonder if i can watch all of it??

most 印象深刻台词:
2) 永春 叶问

then, for the quiz part, choose:
Sun- 你的个性一目了然。周身都散发着一种贵族气质和王者风范,会权威地管辖你周围的一切,做事独立,非常懂得用权术和能力达到目的。同时具有正义感,为人正直忠诚,很喜欢交朋友,人缘相当不错,极强的坦诚和乐观的个性你能够成为很好的领袖。你的守护神是太阳神阿波罗。
jupiter- 像一只走在悬崖壁上的山羊一般,你会小心翼翼的度过难关,你耐力过人,意念坚强,心中充满了雄心壮志,是为了完成某项事业而活的人,不论是学术上的追求,个人的承诺,或是其他一些更高的目标,你都有着永不疲倦的精神,脚踏实地,不轻易冒险。你的守护神是司时神汉司。(don ask me who is 汉司, i also dont no.. LOL)
moon- 你天生精力旺盛,感觉敏锐。喜欢被需要和被保护的感觉。你敏感,不宜欺骗,做事情总有自己的一套,虽然方向不明确,但却总能达到即定目标,在工作和学习中总是投入100%的精神。你具有不屈不挠的意志,一旦决定了就会马上付诸于行动。你的守护神是月神亚提密斯。
MERCURY- 你是个完美主义者,做事一丝不苟,喜欢按照自己的主观标准去行动,挑剔,爱整洁,极度厌烦虚伪和不正当的事。你没有一刻是静止的,对所有事情都保持着旺盛的精力,当别人想要做什么时,严谨的你都已经开始行动了,你温和的个性是难得的好友人选。你的守护神是信息之神汉密斯。(again i dont no who is him)

i choose moon.. and i think is quite true.. hmm.. btw, i decide to post a quiz every week.. LOL..

o ya.. i read the i-weekly and 水瓶座's people can wear brown colour next week so that anything you do will be smooth.. and 双子座's people, next tue's luck will be bad.. the person u dont like will be appearing in front of u and u will hope that person faster go la!(wonder if is true) virgo's people must sleep enough so that will be more energentic(did i spell wrong?)... libra's people, ur lucky no is 9.. hahaha

Thursday, January 15, 2009

went sr's blog and did the quizzes...

my type of gemstone: Amethyst stone
my type of fruit: banana
my inner gender: MALE (LOL! WTH -.-)
boylish or girlish?: I AM 100% GIRLISH!!!
brutally honest: 32%
drama queen or king?: drama princess(see? female lor)
sleeping position: i need peace
sleep enough?: sometimes not enough sleep

anyway, for the quiz i posted,
choose honeydew: 你虽然从表面上看总是低头不语,沉默无言,但内心却怀着远大的抱负和理想。你不愿随波逐流,坚持自己的信念,希望为自己的理想而生活。正因为此,总能听到“固执”的评价。你在金钱方面的欲望非常强,想赚多多的钱,幸运的是在理财方面很有头脑。你不愿服输,希望自己在所有方面都是最好的。
choose cherry: 你是具有敏锐的审美能力的人。你总能搭配出独具个性的服饰。但是,你的想法大多很出色,但你缺乏创意转为实践的开拓能力,另外,你有在人前毫无必要地进行炫耀的倾向。你属于比较害羞的性格,会因为无法清楚地向对方传达自己的意思而被人误解。你的生活方式属于“聪明”的类型。

i did another quiz.. from magazine, and this is quite true for me..the quiz is to test 你待人处事的风格如何?是否会受到别人欢迎?

qns: 假设宇宙之神宙斯(Zeus)需要在凡间挑选一位可以成为精灵的人,而你幸运地被选中了,他现在要借助一种天体(celestial body?)向你传达他的旨意,你认为会是哪种天体呢?

choices: sun, moon, mercury and jupiter

ur choice is?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today was such a windy day, my skirt keep flying up and i nearly 走光. LOL! anyway, the test's answers(?):

choose apple: 你对所有的事情一丝不苟,只有做得到准确到位,你才会松口气。你从不会也不允许自己草率地敷衍某件事。你对健康非常关注,如果获得了一项任务,不会挑灯夜战突击完成,而是先保证充分的休息时间,在一定时间内集中地完成它。

choose orange: 你的性格从整体上看比较温和,和任何人都能保持融洽的人际关系。即使发生了不痛快的事,微笑也不会从脸上消失。你热爱家庭,忠于伴侣和孩子,喜欢享受天伦之乐。你非常喜欢和家人一起去野外郊游,或与好友聚餐。有时,你会因为心地太善良而吃亏。但你的善良也会为你赢得更多的友善和真诚。

my opinion on this test: THIS TEST IS TOTALLY NOT TRUE AT ALL...

JT choose orange.. -.-! 善良? 温和? ぜんぜん not true...LOL... sorry to be so straightfoward.. maybe this will be jt's future? o.o

Monday, January 12, 2009




choose one ba!!!! sorry nail.. no strawberry.. hahaha